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We the College Republicans of the State of Georgia, in order to provide for an open association between our respective campus organizations for the purpose of promoting the Republican cause, do create this Constitution for the formation of the Georgia Association of College Republicans.




The GACR will be established upon the adoption of this Constitution and will serve the following purposes:

1.To foster the growth of College Republicans on campuses across the state by aiding existing chapters and promoting the creation of new organizations where none currently exist.

2.To facilitate communication and cooperation between member organizations.

3.To promote political awareness among students of the colleges of Georgia and to make known the ideals and principles of the Republican Party.

4.To aid in the election of Republican Candidates on all levels of government who share those ideals held by the GACR.


The GACR will be composed of those College Republican organizations in both public and private institutions of undergraduate and graduate education that choose of their own accord to join with the association.

The GACR will recognize only one College Republican organization per institution unless that institution has more than one campus. If an institution has more than one campus, the GACR will recognize only one College Republican organization per campus provided no student there is a member of both organizations. The GACR may recognize any College Republican organization that has at least five active members and expresses its desire to join the association. An active member will be defined as a person who participates with a given member organization to the degree defined in said member organization’s chapter constitution. Organizations will be accepted as members provided a three-fourths majority vote of either the GACR General Assembly or of the GACR Annual Convention. Any member organization may leave the GACR of its own accord, but it must reapply for membership.

A vote will be required to consider dissociation of any member organization that has:

1.Been absent from six (6) or more meetings without cause, or

2.Has ceased to exist, dissolved or become defunct. Any such organization that is reformed will be treated as a new club and be subject to the same three-fourths majority vote necessary to associate. The vote to dissociate will require a three-fourths majority.

Only individuals who are members of College Republican organizations which are themselves members of the GACR can participate as delegates at the Annual Convention. If an individual wishes to have affiliation with the GACR, they may participate as a delegate in the Annual Convention provided that a GACR member organization sponsors them. That individual will then be a delegate representing that member organization.


The GACR shall have the following restrictions on its executive and legislative powers:

1.As an organization, it shall not endorse any candidate for national, state or local office until those candidates have won their primary election or have been approved by convention

2.As an organization, it shall not give consent to the election or appointment of officers in member organizations nor shall the name or authority of the GACR be used for any such purposes.

3.It shall not impress upon any member organization requirements on structure, function, finances or otherwise.

4.It shall not discriminate between member organizations.

5.It shall never act beyond the powers granted specifically it to it by the Constitution.


The GACR shall have the following restrictions on its financial powers:

1.It shall not levy on the member organizations any fees that are not stipulated in the Constitution, its sole income being provided by its own fundraising efforts.

2.It shall provide a full record of its contributions and expenditures at each GACR General Assembly meeting.

3.It shall not spend any money over five hundred dollars unless the expenditure has been approved by a majority of elected officers.

4.It shall never, under any circumstances, provide funds for the personal expenses of any College Republican.

5.The Chairman or Treasurer will be the sole signatories of any and all GACR checks and expenses and two signers on the GACR bank account.




The GACR will have four executive officers to provide for the efficient administration of the association:

1.The Chairman will serve as the Chief Executive Officer and the Key Executive of the GACR. The Chairman will provide leadership in the execution of the purpose of the GACR and may appoint and establish an Executive Board with confirmation by a majority vote of the elected officers to assist in the execution of his or her duties. His or her duties will be as follows:

  • To provide a measure of leadership for the GACR in carrying out its purposes

  • To see to and carry out the decisions of the GACR General Assembly.

  • To chair each GACR General Assembly.

The Chairman will be elected by a simple majority of the delegates present at the Annual Convention and shall serve until the time of the next Annual Convention.

2.The Vice Chairman will be elected by a simple majority of the GACR Annual Convention and serve concurrently with the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The Vice Chairman may not be from the same school as the Chairman. He or she will be required to fill the role of Chairman should the elected Chairman be unable to continue to serve. In such a situation, the GACR General Assembly will elect a new Vice Chairman to fill the remainder of that term. His or her duties will consist of aiding the Chairman and the GACR General Assembly and overseeing the activities of the Regional Directors as defined in Section IV.

3.The Secretary will handle the record keeping of the GACR. He or she will be elected by a simple majority of the GACR Annual Convention and will serve concurrently with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Treasurer. In the event that he or she is unable to continue to serve, the GACR General Assembly will elect a new Secretary to fill the remainder of that term. His or her duties will be as follows:

  • To keep, manage, and organize the records of the GACR, including the minutes of each GACR General Assembly meeting and all chapter chair and officer contacts for the GACR member organizations and Executive Board.

  • To oversee the collection and verification of credentials for the state and national CR conventions

4.The Treasurer will handle the financial affairs of the GACR. He or she will be elected by a simple majority of the GACR Annual Convention and will serve concurrently with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary. In the event that he or she is unable to continue to serve, the GACR General Assembly will elect a new Treasurer to fill the remainder of that term. His or her duties will be as follows:

  • To keep, manage, and organize the finances of the GACR and to report on these finances as stipulated in Article One, Section Four of the Constitution.

  • To lead and promote the fundraising efforts of the GACR in conjunction with the Chairman and Vice Chairman

Any College Republican elected Chairman may not also hold elective office in their member organization. If he or she holds a local office when elected to an executive office at the GACR Annual Convention or the GACR General Assembly, they must resign from their local office as soon as possible. In order to be eligible to seek elected office, an individual must be an active member of a properly chartered chapter within the GACR.

Those who hold the office of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer may become employed by primary campaigns. However, those officers must ensure that their employment is in no way affiliated with their role within GACR.

Any of these officers may be impeached by the GACR General Assembly on adequate grounds of malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance. To impeach an officer requires an initial introduction of charges for impeachment and a majority vote to consider those charges at a regular GACR General Assembly meeting. A vote on impeachment must take place at a special GACR General Assembly meeting to be held at least two weeks after the initial charges are levied so that the subject officer can defend his or herself. An accused officer may waive his right to a two-week waiting period and proceed immediately to an impeachment hearing. A two-thirds vote by this special GACR General Assembly meeting is necessary for impeachment.


The principal body of the GACR shall be its General Assembly, which shall consist of all the member organizations in the association. Although each member organization can bring as many representatives as it likes to its meetings, each organization will have only two votes in the General Assembly. Those casting the two votes will be determined by each individual member organization. The four executive officers of the GACR shall not vote in the General Assembly. In the event of a tie, however, the officers may cast votes to decide the issue.

The GACR General Assembly will hold meetings at least once per month. The location, if any, for these meetings must be decided at least one-week advance of said meeting. Notice of these meetings will be given at the previous meeting and be announced again in advance. The Chairman of the GACR shall have the authority to call an emergency meeting with at least five days notice to all member organizations. The chief duties of the GACR General Assembly will consist of:

1.Providing a forum for discussion and debate among the member organizations

2.Carrying out the purposes of the GACR as stipulated in Article One, Section One of the Constitution

3.Carrying out those other duties specifically given to it by the Constitution (i.e. handling impeachment or the Annual Convention).


The GACR General Assembly can establish bylaws by a two-thirds vote for the clarification of the duties and responsibilities stipulated in the Constitution.

The GACR General Assembly can establish by a majority vote committees and offices to handle specific affairs. No committees or offices shall be permanent and, if they were not given a definite life span, will be dismissed at the time of the next GACR Annual Convention. Any and all decisions by these committees and offices must be approved by the General Assembly.

The GACR General Assembly can call a quorum with a majority of the member organizations present at the meeting.

If necessary, the GACR General Assembly will be governed by the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. The annual convention will always be governed under Robert’s Rules of Order.


The Chairman shall have the authority to appoint the following Executive Board members to assist in carrying out the duties of the GACR:

1.The Chairman should appoint a member to the position of Executive Director. The position of Executive Director shall be responsible for organizing and maintaining an Executive Board, whose members shall be appointed by the Chairman with advice from the Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Further, the Executive Director shall be directly responsible to the Chairman, who may create further requirements and responsibilities for the position.

2.The Chairman may appoint a Communications Director to the Executive Board. The position of Communications Director shall be responsible for the facilitation of communication in the internal institutions of the GACR and the facilitation of communication between the GACR and external institutions.

3.The Chairman may appoint a Fundraising Director to the Executive Board. The position of Fundraising Director shall be responsible for organizing fundraising projects and events, contacting past donors and potential donors (through letter and phone call campaigns), and finding other unique and effective methods of raising money for the organization.

4.The Chairman may appoint a Political Director to the Executive Board. The position of Political Director will be responsible for being a liaison to Republican political campaigns, politicians, and advocacy groups in Georgia. They will be responsible for organizing campaign events with candidates throughout the state; they will keep all the chapters throughout the state in contact with the active campaigns in their regions. Also, during non-election years, they will help form and implement programs and initiatives for chapters to do on their campuses.

5.The Chairman should nominate Regional Directors to the Executive Board. Regional Directors must be confirmed by a simple majority of the member organizations within that region during a General Assembly meeting. If there is a tie, it will then be brought to a vote before the entire General Assembly. Regional Political Directors’ responsibilities include guiding the member organizations within their region and other responsibilities as directed by the Chairman.

6.The Chairman shall have the authority to appoint additional positions to the Executive Board, as they are needed. However, like the elected officers, the appointed officers shall not have a vote in the General Assembly meetings unless they are one of the chosen representatives from their chapter.




The GACR General Assembly will set a date for the Annual Convention to be held no later than the last day of April. The General Assembly will have the responsibility to set the date and location no later than its February meeting. Candidates for GACR Elected Positions must submit their names, school, contact info, position they are seeking, and proof of active membership in their school’s chapter to the current Executive Board to run for office. The General Assembly will also have the responsibility to approve the schedule and agenda of the Convention at its monthly meeting prior to the Convention, either in March or February depending on the date of the Convention. Any amendments, resolutions or requests for membership must be presented at this meeting.

It will be the responsibility of the GACR General Assembly to establish an Election Council to officiate and run the Convention elections and to form an election code for the regulation of election and campaign conduct during the election season and Convention subject to the approval of the General Assembly. The Elections Council shall also be responsible for receiving credentials and calculating allotted votes according to the Constitution. The Election Council must be formed at or before the February or March meeting of the General Assembly and will be dissolved following the Convention. Each member organization will have one person assigned to the Council by that member organization’s chairman. The members of the Council must choose one person from among them to serve as their Chairman. No member of the Council is allowed to seek elected office as an executive in the GACR.


Each member organization will be allowed a delegation to represent itself at the GACR Annual Convention. These delegates will be selected using the following criteria:

1.Each member organization automatically receives two delegate votes.

2.Each member organization shall receive one additional delegate vote for every fifteen active members.

3.Each member organization must present a delegate allocation list for the Annual Convention, providing a name, phone number and either a mailing or email address (in compliance with the CRNC convention code) at or before the February meeting of the GACR General Assembly. The list may be updated at the monthly meeting prior to the Annual Convention. Each member organization, upon confirmation of the number of delegates they are allowed, will present a list to the Secretary at or before the final meeting of the General Assembly that contains the names of all delegates and alternates attending the Convention on behalf of that member organization.

4.It shall be the responsibility of the Election Council to authenticate the validity of submitted chapter delegate allocation lists. A blind, indiscriminate sample shall be conducted of 3% of all names submitted to GACR via the delegate allocation lists and the selected persons contacted individually by the Election Council to verify their participation in a member organization. A failure to confirm participation in a given chapter (as defined in Article One, Section Two) shall be reported to the GACR Executive Board and General Assembly for further action.

5.Each member organization receives their two delegate votes pending the successful submission of their member lists in February. If a member organization does not submit its list in February it can still submit a list in March, however only two delegate votes will be allotted. If a member organization fails to submit a list in March, the member organization will receive no delegate votes.

6.No member organization shall represent more than one fifth of the total delegate vote set at the monthly meeting prior to the Convention. The official delegate count used at the Convention will be this previously set count and not one of those delegates in actual attendance. The General Assembly can set a delegate fee each year for the Convention at the February meeting upon a recommendation from the Executive Board.

7.The GACR General Assembly will pursue measures to safeguard the votes at the Annual Convention through privacy, via the use of the secret ballot; security, via the presentation of valid school identifications by each delegate to be verified on the official delegate list as they cast a ballot; and accuracy, via the vocal counting of the ballots by the three executive officers before the entire Convention. In the event that only one candidate has qualified for a given ballot position, a vote of affirmation may be taken to elect said candidate.

8.Delegates present at the GACR Annual Convention will be allowed to cast only one vote for each office or issue before the body. If any vote does not produce a majority, then the two candidates with the most votes on the first ballot will face each other on a second ballot. Only delegates present at the Convention shall be allowed to vote. No absentee or proxy votes will be recognized. The three executive officers shall not be delegates to the Convention and will not be able to vote. In the event of a tie, however, the officers may cast votes to decide the issue. The Chairman of the GACR shall preside at the Convention. No school may host the Convention for two consecutive years.


The GACR Annual Convention shall be held once a year to vote on the following matters:

1.The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer will be elected by simple majorities.

2.Any amendments to the Constitution must be approved by a three-fourths majority.

3.Any resolution may be adopted by a simple majority.

4.Any applications for membership in the GACR may be approved by a simple majority.




The GACR Constitution may be amended by a three-fourths vote of either the GACR General Assembly or the GACR Annual Convention. The proposed amendment must first be introduced at the preceding General Assembly meeting so that member organizations can study the proposal. Once adopted, the amendment goes into immediate effect.


The GACR Constitution shall require ratification by a two-thirds vote of a general assembly of College Republicans in the State of Georgia. Once ratification has occurred, the GACR Constitution goes into effect at the next general convention of College Republicans and supersedes any previous constitutions and bylaws. However, any obligation made during the previous constitutional arrangement must be honored under the new Constitution.

adopted March 8, 1997

in effect April 12, 1997

as amended June 1, 1997

as amended September 28, 1997

as amended February 28, 1998

as amended March 15, 1998

as amended September 27, 1998

as amended December 6, 1998

as amended January 17, 1999

as amended November 20, 2000

as amended September 18, 2005

as amended February 22, 2010

as amended July 27, 2010

as amended February 21, 2011

as amended June 19, 2012

as amended April 2, 2022

GACR Constitution: About Us
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